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About Scott


My brother and I

Don't be jealous

of our hair.


My grandparents

They knew how to 

get down.


My mother

Sweet lady. Likes to weave and rehabilitate wildlife.


Me and my lady

We like to go hiking and watch Antiques Roadshow.


My father

Leather jacket. Pet cougar. Enough said.


This is Katie

I think she likes

driving the boat.


This is Hank

He is a retired child therapy dog and a Very Good Boy.

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Asheville, NC

My little corner of the world. Could be yours too. Call me.


My firm

Proud to be part of the #1 selling firm in the nation.

My door will always be open to you. No matter your race, age, gender identity, culture, nationality, creed, faith history, sexual orientation, or family makeup. I will work hard and hustle every day to help you meet your real estate goals. Not just because you deserve to be treated with respect and honesty, but because that’s who I am. I pride myself on my work ethic. If you have questions, I will answer them honestly. If I don’t know the answer, I will find it for you. I believe that home ownership should be available to everyone. That’s why I do what I do. I work hard every day to open doors and help you turn your goals into reality. I’m The Helping Realtor®

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